Monday, November 25, 2019

Angel Mancat Monday

I used to put ice in their water when they were outdoor kitties and Daddy Cat always loved it that way, even in his garage apartment.

Happy Birthday to my sweet Dad! He loves animals (my parents have 9, yes 9!, rescue cats) and he has always understood/supported my deep bond with animals as well. My Pop is really wonderful to me and my babies, I love him so very much!


Summer at said...

Happy birthday to your dad! He sounds awesome!

Mickey's Musings said...

Happy Birthday to your Dad!
We agree that he is a pawsome man:)
Purrs,Georgia and Julie

Katie Isabella said...

Happy Birthday Jacqueline, to your wonderful Dad. Many more to him. I enjoyed the fact that he has 9 rescue kitties. Bless him. 💗

Nina said...

Good seeing pictures of daddy cat when you first moved in to your new house. Awesome pictures of a handsome mancat and a devoted soulmate to mommy cat. ♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️

The Island Cats said...

Happy Birthday to your dad. Paws up to your parents for rescuing so many kitties!

catladymac said...

Happy Purrthday to your Dad - and many more !

meowmeowmans said...

So nice to see this memory of Daddy Cat. And happy belated birthday to your awesome Pop!

Carson Lee said...

That is so lovely that your parents opened their home to nine kitties. I'll bet those are happy kitties, now.
Are they all indoor babies, or, indoor-outdoor?
Did they arrive one at a time?