This blog has been such a wonderful part of my life, a true labor of love...It has allowed me to share some of the sweetest souls I have ever known and in that process, I've made some lovely friends who, like myself, value animals as family...For me, Jacqueline's Cat House actually became a photo album of these precious babies that I have been blessed to love and hold in my heart forever...In January 2020, the blog changed after daily posts for 10 years to a once a week post, the result of losing 3 of my babies; now, after Halle's sudden loss, I have decided to stop regular posts and will only post sporadically, on special occasions...I started this blog for 5 very exceptional cats and with only 1 remaining, I'm finding it hard to continue...So, while there will be other posts, I would still like to give thanks at this time...Thank you for every single kind word and comment=they have put many smiles on my face and lifted me on many days...Thank you for caring about these sweethearts I've been so fortunate to call my own...And of course, I want to thank everyone for sharing our lives over the last 11+ years, it has truly been my honor to share these sweet, extraordinary babies with you all.
Adored, cherished, loved and treasured forever...