Teva is the 6 foot tall solid wood cat that lives in our kitchen=she's tall and heavy and has been with me for almost 15 years, about 2 years longer than Halle...
Halle seems to feel safe when she's hiding behind Teva; when she's running crazy through the house, she will eventually run to Teva and easily leap behind her=she's had plenty of practice! MOL

Halle seems to feel safe when she's hiding behind Teva; when she's running crazy through the house, she will eventually run to Teva and easily leap behind her=she's had plenty of practice! MOL
Have a fun, safe weekend!
My human loves Teva. She wishes she had a Teva of her own.
Teva is pawsome.
What a pawsome hiding spot for Halle too ;)
Purrs Georgia,Julie and JJ
Halle has a BIG protector...I love Teva and I am glad Halle loves her too. Cute photos. Hope everyone has a great weekend. ❤️
Whoa, now THAT is a statue!
I'm glad that Teva is there to protect Halle now that Dylan has gone on to the Bridge. I just wanted you to know that I'm starting to post pictures of Dylan and Halle on my Wendy's 3-D Cats blog as a testament to their love. In this first post I am using pictures which provided to me and in future I will also use some that I produced.
Thank you once again for the bountiful box of goodies for Dani and me. She adores those squeaky mice, too. She had quite a good workout with them yesterday. The squeaking sound definitely attracts her.
That is a great hiding spot.
Teva is amazing!
Halle, my goodness. Your sisters would help you and Mommy Cat too. And your mommy.
Well, who WOULDN'T feel safe behind a 6' tall solid wood cat!
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