Friday, August 19, 2011

Balancing Act

Enjoy the weekend!


Gigi said...

Balance....balance....balance....balance...Is there ever an oops? The Human had a kitteh who used to sleep atop the TV & once in awhile-----kersplat!

Summer at said...

That may look like a balancing act to your human, Calle, but you and I know that it's easy for us kitties!

Old Kitty said...

Oh gorgeous Calle!! You make it look so easy and elegant! Yay!

Hugs too to sweet Sukki, Halle, Mommy Cat and Daddy Cat! Take care

The Island Cats said...

Wow, Calle! How are you doing that??

HH and The Boys said...

It looks like you're tipping over..... Hang on there.

pawhugs, Max

Brian's Home Blog said...

Beauty and balance with pretty Calle! Happy weekend everyone!

Gemini and Ichiro said...

You too! Don't you have a great perch!

Mark's Mews (Marley, Lori, Taz, and Binq) said...

We dont like chair tops like Calle does. Mebbe thats because our chairs rock and swivel, so it is tricky to get up on the tops of them.

SASS....Sammy Andy Shelly Sierra said...

Good job, gorgeous Calle.

Love to all of you.

Elyse K said...

Beautiful Calle, you make it look so easy!

Cassie and I are sending lovies and wishing a happy weekend to Calle, Halle, Sukki, Mommy Cat, and Daddy Cat!

Marilia said...

Yes Calle!
We wish you have a great weekend with your beautiful family!!!!

White Dog Blog said...

A metaphor for life, Calle? Have a beautiful sun-filled weekend.

GLOGIRLY said...

Like a gymnast on a balance beam...
Except a gymnast usually doesn't nap on their beam.
: )

Nina said...

Calle, I don't know how you kitties do it, but you look so comfortable on the top of that chair. You are one gorgeous girl!

Quill and Greyson said...

Very impressive work!