Sunday, May 29, 2011

Lounging Calle

Of course, we're having really hot weather already in Louisiana, so with the air condition on, Calle decided to snuggle up with a blanket :)


Mr Puddy said...

You are a lucky cat, Sweet Calle : )
Mommy always look after you

Gemini and Ichiro said...

Sometimes the air is just too cold for a cat...

Old Kitty said...

Awwww beautful Calle!!! You look very snug and comfy!!!

Hello too to adorable Sukki, Halle, Mommy Cat and Daddy Cat! Take care

Princess Jasmine said...

That blankie suits your furs. Its so the colour for you :)xx

Mark's Mews (Marley, Lori, Taz, and Binq) said...

Well, it is allus goot ta have ONE warm side! So we unnerstand Calle likin that.

Summer at said...

Calle, I guess this means the answer to "Hot enough for ya?" would be, "No!"

HH and The Boys said...

Beautiful pictures, Calle.

pawhugs, Max

Teddy Westlife said...

Toast blankets are the best!

Brian's Home Blog said...

Hello pretty Calle! Blankies are great any old time. Enjoy your Sunday everyone!!!

The Chair Speaks said...

Gorgeour Calle knows the best warm place!

Nina said...

Beautiful Calle knows how to snuggle in a warm place. I bet Calle and her sister's are tired from the big celebration yesterday. Have a restful holiday weekend.

Bengal Duo ~ Zulu and Deene said...

our AC is on today too. Yesterday was too hot! you look so cute and cozy wif your blankie

Deb said...

She's so pretty. We could use some of that heat. Hugs, Deb=^..^=x4

The Island Cats said...

Yeah, Calle, sometimes that cold air blowing thingey is a little too much!

Keiko said...

Aww Calle, you look so cozy with the blanket! We are also very warm here in Malaysia, but we also snuggle when the air con gets very cold!
Purrrrs, KQ

SASS....Sammy Andy Shelly Sierra said...

Happy Sunday, sweeties.....xxxxxxxx

Cindy said...

We always go from winter to summer overnight. We've got the muggies right now so mommy has the ac going, too.
Calle is looking lovely as usual.

Katnip Lounge said...

Calle, we like how you've wiggled yourself a nice little cave to cozy up in. Clever!

Admiral Hestorb said...

Calle, we like the cold box but we don't like to get too cold with it. I move away to my blankie too. xoxoxo

Daisy said...

That's so funny, we feel colder in the summer too, with the A/C going!

Marilia said...

Calle,, you´re so pretty! Send kisses to all your family!!!!!
Happy Sunday!

Gigi said...

501---are you on your way to 1000, MOL?

Nice pawty ;-)

Mickey's Musings said...

Callie is looking very pretty :) She looks comfy and not too hot at all. You can send us your excess heat because all we are getting is rain and fog :/
Purrs Tillie and Georgia

Just Ducky said...

It isn't that warm here, so we are all snuggled up too.

PAWSVolunteer said...

I guess the fur coat just isn't enough in the AC...:)

Elyse K said...

Oh, Calle! The blanket matches you purr-fectly!

Cassie and I are sending waves and lovies to you, Halle and Sukki, Mommy Cat and Daddy Cat <3!