It's hard to believe we are celebrating our first blogoversary!...Posting everyday for a year has at times been a great challenge, but also a rewarding, wonderful experience: we have made so many lovely, sweet friends from all over the world and found our place in a supportive, caring community of people with huge hearts, always offering encouraging, kind words...We are grateful to everyone who has reached out to us, like minded people who adore and cherish animals as family members...Today's post is a small retrospective of our past year on the CB and if you are interested, you can find our first post here; as always, a special thank you to our precious and talented friend, Ann from Zoolatry, for the adorable header/introduction...Thank you all so much, special friends, for sharing this incredibly loving and fun journey with us over the last year and hopefully, for many more...

Bottom Row: Daddy Cat, Mommy Cat, Tom
Never Forgotten, Always Cherished, Forever Loved...
Congrats on your first year!!
beautiful pictures btw! I enjoyed reading all about Halle, Calle, Sukki, Mommy Cat, DaddyCat and Sweet Tom for the last seven months??
Happy, Happy, Joy, Joy 1st Blogoversary and many, many, many moooooore!!! We just love your blog and are so glad to have known you this last year!!
((((((((HUGGGGGGGSSSSSS)))))) from your TX furiends,
A big happy first blogoversary from me! Posting every day is quite an accomplishment, and I look forward to seeing more of the girls (plus Daddy Cat) in the months and years to come!
Happy 1st Blogoversary dear sweet girls! We are so GLAD you came inta our lives...
Those were such sweet pictures.
Happy First Blogoversary !!!!!!
Happy 1st Blogoversary to dear Jaqueline,Calle, Halle, Sukki, Mommy cat, Daddy cat, Tom and Forever loved, Nikki and Jax
Me and my mom are very happy to be a part of your celebrate today and we are so glad to have all of you to be my great friends
Lot of Love, Ton of Kisses and Multiple purrs
Puddy and Boom
Hey, concatulations!
Happy First Blogoversary and here's to many more to come. Posting every day is quite an achievement and we always look forward to coming over to see you.
Here's to the next 365 posts!!
Luv Hannah and Lucy xx xx
Happy 1st Blogoversary! We love yoor celebratory header and the adorable pics. We love that yoo included Jax and Nikki in the post too ~ those we love are always nearby.
Have a wonderful day dear friends.
Oh happy day ~ and here's to many, many more dear friends!
Happy first blogoversary!!!! We are so happy that you have decided to enter the cat blogging world and be furriends with us. Here's to many more years of happy blogging.
Happy one year! I'm very glad to have you for my friends.
Happy Blogoversary!! We are so happy we have met you all! Here's to many more years of blogging and furiendship!!
What a great post! Happy Blogoversary! We're happy that you started blogging and that we got to "meet" you.
The Florida Furkids and Angel Sniffie
Happy Blogoversary Jacqueline! And 'cheers' to another great year!
xo Catherine & Banjo
Happy Blogoversary!! I have enjoyed, and look forward to your blog daily. You have done a wonderful job with your blog and your little angels. I think Calle, Halle, Sukki, Mommy & Daddy Cat have a sweet and caring mom that shares her kindness with others. Keep up the good work, and keep enjoying your babies and your blog friends. I am looking forward to another great year!! :)
Happy blogoversary! I iz happy to haz meeted you an all teh kittehs *purrr*
Happy Blogaversary! We are so happy to have met you and we wish you many, many more years!
A very Happy Blogoversary to all of you. What great pictures in memory of every one. We truly enjoy your blog and seeing all the kitties everyday. We hope you have a great day and many more. We are looking forward to seeing many more pictures of all of you. Take care and have a wonderful day.
Happy Blogoversary my dear furriends! I hope you have a wonderful day and that there are many more blogging days ahead.
My goodness, only one year? I thought maybe you'd been doing this for years and years.
Well, Happy One Year Blogoversary from us.
Love, love how you've built your blog.
Awwwww wow!! What a lovely pictorial retrospective of your stunning year in blogworld!!! Wonderful!!
Me and Charlie are so glad to have met you fab Jacqueline and your gorgeous and perfectly beautiful kitties, Sukki, Halle, Calle, Mommy Cat, Daddy Cat, lovely Tom and angels Jax and Nikki!!!!
Have a WONDERFUL day!!! The blogworld is a brighter place for your sweet blog!!!!
Take care
Happy Blogaversary!!!
A very happy blogoversary! We're so glad you're a part of the CB, it wouldn't be the same without you all. Here's to many more blogging years!
Happy Blogaversary Jackie.
My eyes leaked seeing precious family members who are gone and not forgotten. It is the same here at our home and many many others I know. We love our babies always.
It's a joy to get to know you and your beautiful fur babies. All of them.
It's been a lot of fun, Jacqueline getting to know you and your beautiful cats. You were one of my first followers and I thank you for that. Here's to another great year! Hugs, Deb=^..^=x5
HAPPY BLOGOVERSARY!!! This is the best blogoversary post we have ever seen! We are so glad you came into our lives and give us so much entertainment and friendship with your blog, emails and Facebook. Many more happy years of blogging, dear sweet friends.
Happy Blogoversary Halle, Calle, Sukki, MommyCat and DaddyCat! We are so honored to call you our furriends!
Here's to many more years of happy blogging!
xoxo Cory and family
Happy blogoversary, my gorgeous friends :)
May there be many more..
Happy Blogoversary! We loved all of the pictures, but we especially like the one with the 3 Siamese girls lined up at the door/window in size order - small, medium, large, er, medium+! You have a beautiful blog, and we're so glad we've gotten to know you!
Your friends, Fuzzy and Zoe
Happy Blogoversary to all of you. We are glad to have you as our friends.
Happy First Blogoversary, sweet friends. xxxxxx
Congratulations to have been very nice, but how are you all?
Good weekend
Ronrons of
Happy Blogoversary!!! I loved the pictures, y'all rock!
Happy Blogoversary!!!!
Great post. Seems like you guys have been on CB for more than just a year. Congrats. We lost our blog - do come by our temp one.
Cats of Wildcat Woods
we are celebrating with you and loving it so thankyou for your gorgeous post! Love Darcy, Bingley and Helen xxx
Oh My! Your Furrst Year Anniversary!
You have such a lovely blog. We too, feel as if you've been in the Cat Blogosphere for many more years!
Happiness, Peace and Blessings to you all and here's to many more years to come!
Rose and the Royals
Happy 1º Blogoversary to dear friends! Have a beautiful day! Kisses
Happy Blogaversary!
We love visiting every day, your kitties never fail to make us smile, and our hearts swoon.
We are so glad to be your's to manymanymany more posts!
Happy Blogoversary and congratulaions on a year of posts!!! We just love all your beautiful kitties :-)
We am so very glad that we came to know you and love you and the kitties over the last year. Beautiful pictures and beautiful post. Wishing you a very Happy first blogoversary and here is to many many more.. With love GJ and carol xx
Happy Blogaversary! We'z glad yoo is part of da CB family, and it is a family isn't it! We laugh, cry and celebrate together, we love and help each other dat is what makes da CB great.
Happy Blogoversary sweet friends! Wishing you many many more! We are happy to call you our friends. xoxo
Happy Blogoversary to you all! Love the photos.
Yay! Happy Blogoversary! We are so glad to have met you all! We can't wait for the next years posting, and then the next and the next! WE love the retrospective and pictures of everyone - we think they are all so wonderful!!
Happy First Blogoversary! You've come a long way since you first started. I remember you telling me you didn't feel very confident about your blog -- well obviously everyone else thought it was wonderful, because here you are with all these friends one year later!
Way to go! And here's to many more.
Concatulations sent with mucho admiration! Visiting your blog is always time well spent and we can just 'Feel the Love' with every post and visit...Many happinesses to you and your kitties in 2011!
A VERY HAPPY 1st Year Blogoversary.
Such gorgeous collages of each of your babies. We love love love the look back and now we are looking forward to the many years to come!
Dear Jacqueline, Calle, Halle, Sukki, Mommy Cat, Daddy Cat, Tom, Angel Nikki, and Angel Jax,
Happy Blogoversary! We are so very thankful for you, and for your friendship, which we cherish. On this special occasion and always, we wish you the happiest of days and the very best things. :)
Purrs, hugs, head bonks and nosetaps to you all,
Kevin, Tracey, Sammy, Moosey and Maggie aka the crew at Animal Shelter Volunteer Life
Congratulations on this milestone! We are so happy to have been a part of your inaugural year and are glad you are a part of our community. We look forward to one hundred more years of sharing your lives and stories, following your adventures, reading your thoughtful comments, and being a part of your family! You enrich us so. Happy BlogAVersary!
Happy Blogoversary !!!!!!!!!!
We look forward to many more years and stories from all of you lovely kitties !!
We are happy we got to meet you too :)
Now...let's party!!!!!!!
Purrs Mickey, Georgia & Tillie
Congratulations on your First Blogoversary!!!
You pretty girls and dashing guys are much loved.
KhonKhats on a special FURst Blog-o-versary!
Mom and I would like to wag our tails in your honour!
Happy Blog-oversary! Cassie purrs and I say congratulations!
We love come here to see all of your beautiful kitties, and we love that you seem to be one of the kinder and sweeter humans around!
Your friendship means a great deal to us.
Happy Blogoversary-what beautiful photos of all your children. I hope all is well with all of you. You have given all the kitties a beautiful home.
Happy Bloggoversary... I know I'm a little late with the bloggoversary wishes... Go to my blog and you'll see why. But I wanted to tell you that I'm so glad that you have a blog and that we've gotten to be cyber-friends. Here's to another great year.
pawhugs, Max
I'm just catching up on your recent posts. Belated congratulations on your first year - that is a great achievement!
Love and woofs,
Happy Belated Blogoversary...and many more...I'z got my jazz paws goin' for ya! You have a beautiful blog, that is a wonderful banner and your post to celebrate your Blogoversary has gorgeous pictures. Congratulations that is a big accomplishment to post every day!
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