Saturday, November 6, 2010

Sukki's Weekend Plans...

Since we are turning the clock's back this weekend, Sukki is enjoying extra nap time :)


NAK and The Residents of The Khottage Now With KhattleDog! said...

I think that is also extra SNORGLE time!


Summer at said...

I hope the humans realize that Standard Time does not allow them to feed us breakfast an hour late!

Jemma Chihuahua said...

Sounds like a good weekend plan!


Vicki said...

Sukki - you look so gorgeous cuddled up in your bed like that!!

Karen Jo said...

Enjoy your extra nap time. I hope Herman will let me enjoy mine, but somehow I doubt it.

Fr. Tom Fish said...

Turning the clocks back is definitely a cat-centered idea! What other reason would there be?

Have a good weekend!


SeaThreePeeO said...

Much a same plans as we have this weekend. Our clocks went back on 31st October

Pam said...

Nothing like extra snooze time! Hope all is well your way Jacqueline and that you have a relaxing weekend. Good luck with all!

Admiral Hestorb said...

Oh you beautiful girl. If I were there, I would be snuggling and kissing you. Oh,,that was my mommy that said that. *I* would snuggle and wash your face for you.


Catherine said...

We don't have to turn our clocks back here in Saskatchewan but I think Banjo and I still have the same plans as Sukki ~ even if we don't get that extra hour to snooze! :)

xo Catherine & Banjo

Marg said...

Sukki, you sure look comfy getting that extra hour of sleep. You sure are looking good. Hope you have a great snoozing week end. Hugs to all.

The Island Cats said...

Sukki, we have the same plans!!

Old Kitty said...

Awwww lovely Sukki!!!! Me and Charlie would like an extra hour too please! LOL!!!

We also hope that gorgeous Halle, Calle, Mommy Cat and Daddy Cat enjoy their extra snooze hour!! Take care

The Chair Speaks said...

Even in sleep, you look lovely, Sukki.

Anonymous said...

I LIKE Sukki's plan!

Nina said...

Sukki has the right idea for a weekend. Rest and relax my sweet beauty. Enjoy the day! :)

Keiko said...

Awww Sukki this is exactly what we have planned too!!!
You look so comfy and relaxed, purrrrr
Purrrrs, Keiko, Kenji, Pricilla & Yuji

PS Mummy says thank you so much for your kind comment at her blog... we think of you often with your new job and new home... we wish you all the best too!
Lots of love and hugs!!

Cindy said...

How sweet! Our cats are doing the same thing. Have a great weekend.

Gemini and Ichiro said...

Sounds like a plan to me!

Katnip Lounge said...

Sweet dreams Sukki, and we hope you get fed at the proper (kitty tummy hungry) time!

Rosemary B❤️ said...

yAy we get an extra hour to sleep!
I hope that is an extra hour of foods too.
You certainly look bonkie snuggly, Sukki!

Cara n Crew said...

That's what we're gonnna do! Enjoy your naps, Sukki!

Pip, Smidgen, Minnie

My Mind's Eye said...

Sukki that is exactly what I'm doing but then I do that every day...MOL Madi

Anonymous said...

That is a most excellent plan, Sukki. Since we are losing an hour, perhaps we should take our second nap an hour earlier so we don't lose it.

Noll's Nip said...

Thanks for the (pretty) reminder!


That is a great thought!
Wowie we get one extra hours of nap time!


Marilia said...

Hi Jacqueline!
Thanks for the visits and support, dear!
I'm really relieved.
And my plans are very similar to the plans of Sukke! =)

Brian's Home Blog said...

Oh my Sukki, I think you're onto something!

Laila and Angel Minchie said...

I think we may be able to squeeze in there with you sweet Sukki.

Mark's Mews (Marley, Lori, Taz, and Binq) said...

WE plan ta get our lost hour of nap time BACK this weekend!

Beth said...

Sukki, I wish I could spend my weekend that way! Unfortunately I have a "to do" list! lol
Enjoy your wknd! Hugs and kisses to you, Calle and Halle and of course to Mommy Kitty and Daddy Kitty.
Hugs, Beth

Quill and Greyson said...

You girls are so very pretty! I love your markings so much.


Anonymous said...

All we see here is a ball of fur - sweet dreams! Snowball thanks you all for coming to his party - it was loads of fun.

OKcats said...

Miss Sukki, is that a giant bed, or are you just a teeny girl? Either way, you look sweet!!

Cory said...

What a great way to spend the extra hour!

Elyse K said...

Sukki, you are very beautiful! Enjoy your extra hour of nap time!

Margaret said...

Sukki, you look very fetching!

(I forgot to say Happy Anniversary to your parents earlier. Your Mom can't possibly be that old!)

JB's Big and Small Worlds said...

WE are too! Napping is so important.