Thursday, February 25, 2010

Happy Birthday Sukki

Welcome to Sukki's Surprise 3rd Birthday Party!!

Calle and Halle have been looking out of the window all morning; they were very excited for our guests to arrive!...We are so glad you guys could make it; be sure to get a party hat and find a place to hide so we can all yell SURPRISE!!

Sukki was stunned and so happy to see all her new blog friends!!...Let's sing Happy Birthday to Sukki and have some nip cupcakes...

Time for party games...We thought if the three of us put on the same party hat, Mom won't be able to tell who is who and we'll all get presents and extra treats!!...What do you guys think??...Can our new friends tell us apart??

Thanks to everyone for sharing Sukki's special day; we enjoyed seeing you all and hope you had as much fun as we did!!

*****Special thanks to Maggy and Zoey for coming by early to help decorate...and to their wonderful and talented Mom, Ann, for preparing the decorations!


Gemini and Ichiro said...

Happy Birthday to Sukki! I have a ham with your name on it!

Tara said...

Happy Birthday Sukki! Three is a very good age!! Great party!


MISS PEACH ~(^.^)~ said...

Hi Sukki!! HAPPY PURRRRTHDAY to you sweet girl! Let the party begin! I brought a nice big pot of catmint tea and tuna puffs for the refreshment table....are you surpurrrrrized?

Milo and Alfie Marshall said...

Happy Birthday Sukki! We just love Nip flavoured cup-cakes! Let's party!!!!

Teddy Westlife said...

Happy birthday Sukki! I hope you have a wonderful day!

ZOOLATRY said...

Happy Happy Purrthday Pretty Girl!
[p.s. ... y'all throw a great party... ]
[p.p.s. ... we're not even gonna
TRY to guess who's who!]

Kea said...

Happy birthday to you, happy birthday to you, happy birthday dearest Sukki, happy birthday to you!


We hope you get lots of yummy treats and new toys today.

Great party decorations!

-Annie, Nicki and Derry

Elin said...

Happy Birthday SUkki!
Kiss kiss kiss!!!!

Memories of Eric and Flynn said...

Happy Birthday Sukki! We have brought you a box of freshly caught mice.Your nip cupcakes look delish. We think in the photo of the three of you in hats, you are on the left. We don't know who is who between Halle and Calle.We've probably got you wrong too.
Have a wonderful day.

Anonymous said...

HIYA Sukki!!! HAPPY PURRDAY to you sweetie! We MADE our mom let us come offur to your bash today! We also brought some SUSHI and for you...a LOTS of 'nip~filled fun!!! Hoping you get lots of treats and toys today!!! Thanx for having us!

The Island Cats said...

Happy 3rd Birthday, Sukki! This is a fun party!! We hope you were surprised!! We brought you some fresh nip to celebrate!!

Have a wonderful day!
Wally, Ernie & Zoey

Hansel said...

HAPPY BIRTHDAY !!!!!!!! you are very beautiful my friend!

Pandafur said...

Happy birthday Sukki, wat a grate pawty you iz a lucky kitteh!

My Mind's Eye said...

We just picked Madi up at the airport. She said your party was so much fun...she could not stop talking about what good hostesses you all were, and how delicious all the food was. She is napping now but said to TELL you thanks for the invite and most of all
Madi and MOm

Marg said...

This is a wonderful party Sukki. And a very Happy Birthday to you and hope you have many, many more. The nip cakes are delicious. And for sure we cannot tell who is who with those hats on your heads. Have a great day Sukki.

The Meezers or Billy said...

We's here for the party! Happy purrfday Sukki!!!!! what a great pawty!!!!! you ladies didded a wonderful job!

The Kitty Krew said...

Happy happy birthday, Sukki!! We hope you have a great day. We've brought some extra treats and toys with us, we're ready to partyyyyyyyy!!

Purrs and hugs,
The Kitty Krew

The Florida Furkids said...

Happy Birthday Sukki! What a pawsome party this is! We brought a pitcher of meowgaritas and some nip!

That was nice of Maggy and Zoey and their Mom to decorate for you! We're headed over to the nip cupcakes....

Sniffie and the Florida Furkids

Quill and Greyson said...

Happiest of Birthdays to you!!! I brought catnip mousies!

Cory said...

SURPRISE!!!!! Happy happy happy birthday to you beautiful Sukki!

We are all here, so it's time to party. We brought some of our home grown nip. The decorations are lovely!

Samantha & Mom said...

Happy, Happy, Joy, Joy 3rd Birthday Sukki and many, many, many moooooooore!!!!!! We brought some catnip snickerdoodles for your party!! Thanks for inviting us!! You guts throw a great party!!
Your TX furiends,

CCL Wendy said...

Happy 3rd Purrthday, Sukki! You and your sisters have quite the plan -- and yes, you do look so much alike -- I think only your mama can tell you apart.

Thanks for inviting us to your party. Dante, Dylan and Domino are here and they've brought enough Temptatins for efurryone!

Have a wonderful day, and party, party, party!

Teri and her Stylish Adventure Cats said...

Happurry Purrthday three girls look like you had a kinda wild day--ala Sex in the City girls...with Catmopolitans, Sushi and cute catnip cupcakes!

Raymond and Busby said...

Happy 3rd Birthday Sukki! What a delightful party! Were you surprised?

xoxoxo Raymond and Busby

Remington said...

Happy Birthday! Boy, do you know how to party!

Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday Beautiful I love all your b'day pics :)

Esme said...

Happy Birthday Sukki-looks like you had a wonderful day.

Angel Gracie=^o.o^= said...

A big Happy Birthday to youuuuuu!!!!
We got you good didn't we? Hope you are having a fun filled day with good friends, family, and food! Wishing you many more years of birthdays!!

Shaggy and Scout said...

Happy Happy 3rd birthday!
Nice to meet you!

Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday beautiful girl - it was a wonderful party!

umi_e said...

Happy 3rd birthday to you! Wishing you healthy and happy for many years more :)

~ hugs ~

Amy & the house of cats said...

Surprise!!! Happy Happy Birthday Sukki! What a great party this is - so much fun! And no, with the same hat on we can't tell who is who - we think that is a great plan!

So for your birthday here is our special birthday song for you!

What day is today?
It's Sukki's Birthday!
What a day for a Birthday!
Let's all have some cake!

We hope you have a wonderful, fun day!!

Jans Funny Farm said...

Happy Birthday, Sukki. Your siblings have done a terrific job of decorating and planning this surprise. We could hardly wait. Thanks for inviting us.

We'll just go have a nip cupcake.

Buddy: Uh, do you happen to have another flavor? You don't? Okay, woofies can eat nip. I'm a big guy, can I have two?

Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday, Sukki! This is one of the bestest parties that we've attended:) Your sisters look lovely in their hats, but you are the cat's meow!

Parker said...

It’s your birthday time -
It’s true; there’s no denying,
Another year has come and gone;
You know that I’m not lying.

So for you, Sukki,
Here’s what I want to say:
I hope this birthday’s the best one yet,
In every delightful way.

So happy birthday to you.
Have lots of birthday fun!
May your birthday wishes all come true,
Even if you have a ton.


Beth said...

Happy Birthday, Sukki! This is a wonderful party! I love what Maggy, Zoey and Ann did to help! Absolutely splendid, stunning, fan-tab-u-lous!!!
Gracie says hi, and you 3 girls are very hard to tell apart...Gracie thinks you should all receive gifts!

SASS....Sammy Andy Shelly Sierra said...

What a totally fab party!!!!!!!!! Happy Birthday Sukki....xxxxxxxx

Anya said...

Happy Birthday Sukki :-)
Its a wonderful party !!!!!!

Hugs Love Kareltje =^.^=
and Mommy Anya :-)

One Cats Nip said...

SUPRISE!!! Happy Birthday Sukki! I brought by some chick-hen! As for the pic with the three of you my mom picks the one on the right but shes not sure your all so gorgeous it's like triplets!

Zippy, Sadie, Speedy and M'Gee said...

SURPRISE! Happy Purrthday Sukki! We brawt a sack of nip fur effuryone to enjoy...oooo, nip cupcakes...wunnerful. Hmm, from left to right is it: Sukki, Halle then Calle? Yoo is like triplets!
Our word verification is "virtual rockin" just like dis party!

Brian's Home Blog said...

Happy Birthday to you sweet Sukki!!! WOW, you sure do know how to throw a party

Unknown said...

Happy Brithday, Kitty!

dArtagnan Rumblepurr/Diego Hamlet Moonfur said...

Rumbles was going to say happy birthday and give you smoochies, but he's busy hyperventilating on the floor after seeing the beautiful girl cats in hats. So I'll have to pass his wishes along (and get his smoochies and nip cupcakes!! heh heh heh)

Happy birthday my dear, and you all look so lovely.


Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday Sukki!! We loved the party. That was a lot of fun.

You make the most beautiful Birthday Girl!!

Paws & Whiskers
Jude,Poo,Babybella,Piper& Marley

Annalisa said...

Have a lovely and sweet day!

Angel, Kirby and Max said...

Happy Birthday, Sukki! We love the party hats! we can not tell the three of you apart! It is almost like that at our house!

We hope you had a fun, wonderful day!

Laila and Angel Minchie said...

Happy Birthday Sukki! What a great party and the decorations were simply devine!

Mark's Mews (Marley, Lori, Loki, and Binq) said...

Happy Birfday Sukki!Wghat a wunnerful party. We loved the Nip Cupcakes...

A few Good Cats said...

All of us Good Cats wish Sukki a Happy 3rd birthday -- and many more to come!

Mickey's Musings said...

Happy 3rd Birthday Sukki!!!!!!!
What a great party to celebrate your special day!! You look so pretty too :)
Nice crowd!!!! We will surely have lots of fun,heehee
Purrs Mickey,Georgia & Tillie

Just Ducky said...

Happy Purrthday Sukki

Sweet Purrfections said...

Whew! I almost didn't make it for the BD party. Happy birthday, Sukki! I am so glad that you joined the CB and are posting.

Catherine said...

Happy Birthday sweet Sukki! Looks like a very fun party took place ~ hope you had a good time!

Rosemary B❤️ said...

yay yay yay I love a birthday party. This is a great party. I am late :-( I hope there are some goodies left over

Happy Birthday Sukki

Sammy said...

Happy Birthday, Sukki! You are one cute cat! Happy 3rd! (Mine will be in September!) Purrs and hugs!

meowmeowmans said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
meowmeowmans said...

Happy birthday, Sukki. We hope you have many, many more. :) said...

Happy birthday sukki. First time I'm seeing such a celebration!! Wonder what the sweet little cat will be thinking about all these :)

Angel MoMo and Charlotte said...

Happy Birthday Sukki! We haven't met but as fellow bloggers in the CB, I am coming by to wish you the best of birthdays and many more to come.

Anonymous said...

We is a little late but wanted to drop by to wish you a ♫HAPPY PURR-THDAY♫

Cokie the Cat: Hollywood Insider said...

Hi Sukki! I don't know you yet but Happy Birthday!

Cokie the Cat

P.S. I really love those bathtub shots!

Pip said...

Sukki i is soooo very sad i misseded your birfday.
I hopes you had a grate day.

JB's Big and Small Worlds said...

We are sorry we missed Sukki's birthday. Hope you had a great day with lots of treats and pressies!