Nikki was my first child; born October 7, 1984, she was a Christmas gift from my college boyfriend...The first photo is of me at 19 and Nik, around 6 months, in Baton Rouge, LA; the summer before her death, my good friend, artist Brenda McCart, took photos of me and Nik in the same position and created a painting of us titled Darling Nikki...Nikki was the best baby, very sweet, gentle and always loving; she was my girl and slept on the pillow with me at night...We shared many adventures, traveling across country by car on a few occasions; she was the perfect traveling companion...She was relatively healthy until November 2003 when I started giving her sub q fluids daily...Her death, just like the photo and painting, occurred in my arms; we held eye contact and I felt her last breath leave her body, saw the life leave her eyes...This will always be one of the most precious moments of my life; I was so grateful and honored that she shared that moment of transition with me...Nik is the reason I have my 3 girls today; she brought such joy into my life and filled my heart with unconditional love that will never leave me...